Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Gift She Left

I can never forget the day you left
that was the day I expressed how I felt about her
I pulled her to the side and said
We've been in love for awhile
I've done everything too and for you

Love isn't perfect
We had our up's and down's
But our love is beyond the blue sky's to me
nobody has me like you do
I devote my heart and love to only you

She stood there
quiet and did not reply
Now look where we are now
here standing face to face
Gazing at each others eyes but her eyes looked different

Not full of love or happiness anymore
But with pain and confusion
minutes passed and the words
I don't love you anymore came out her mouth
with all seriousness and no hesitation

Them words destroyed me right then and there
my mind went blank and no words
could be formed to come out
I stood confused and devastated
then she gave me a gift and just walked out

I put it on the table
trying to decide when to open it
I haven't heard anything from her since that day
the gift is still there on the table
I never opened it

But the day of our anniversary
I opened the gift
It was my heart and the key to it.