Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Only One

Why do I feel so alone
It seems as if no one wants love
am I the only one
who wants to have that
special feeling where I belong

Why don't people believe I'm real
It seems that I'm being judged everywhere I go
am I the only one
Who hates being judged in this world
due to other guys mistakes and their ordeals

Why should I give my heart to you
It seems like your not ready for the next step
am I the only one
who is ready for true love
and the benefits that I have to give and receive from you

Why should I tell you how I feel
It seems like you don't care about them
am I the only one
that listens and cares bout how the other feels

Why should I wait
It seems as if you've done moved on
am I the only one
who still wants what we had
and build on something so great

So why do I still do all this still
It seems theres only one reason
am I the only one
who still feel this way
But the reason is
I'm still in love

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